
Networking and butter fish curry

The Vltava river, Karluv bridge, Staromestske sq, Malostranske sq, Astronomical clock and Prazsky castle, all reasons enough to visit the Czech capital, Prague. But when I discovered the annual European Facilities Management Conference (EFMC) was being held in the city this year, I thought of a better reason to make…

NEW EBOOK: Pioneering the evolution of the workplace with FM

WHAT HAPPENS WHEN BUSINESS LEADERS, IT, OPERATIONS AND FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONALS ALL PULL IN THE SAME DIRECTION WHILE IN THE MIDST OF GREAT CHANGE? Answering this question has taken a lot of thought and just what the title suggests – working together with leadership experts and technology professionals to reach…

I assume you know what I mean…….

Let’s face it; we all have a tendency to make assumptions from time to time, about people and about situations. Our assumptions come from all sorts of things – our experiences, other people’s experiences, the media, current jokes, hearsay, even films and books. Let me share a couple of personal…

How is your company preparing its future managers and leaders?

Lorna Fairbairn, Learning and Development Manager for John Laing Integrated Services discusses the benefits of ILM training programmes for FM service providers. David Kentish asks: Is the question of how you are preparing your future managers and leaders a recurring topic at management and board meetings within your organisation? Is…

Lessons from the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee

I hope you all had a fabulous long Jubilee weekend. In our little corner of Lincolnshire we organised a two-day spectacular, which involved a talent show, hog roast, races, barbecue, disco, beacon lighting, flag raising and on it went. Even the good old British weather didn’t dampen our spirits! We…

Are you a Manager or a Leader?

What would your team say – are you a Manager or a Leader? What’s the difference between management and leadership? How would you say they differ in terms of: Power Focus Risk profile? This is an age-old question, and one that I have been asked many times, and one that…

Sub-prime leadership to blame for economic crisis

“The root cause of the economic crisis wasn`t subprime mortgages; it was subprime leadership.” I want to share with you this review, from Reuters, of Bill George’s book ‘7 Lessons for Leading in Crisis’ Harvard Business School Professor and Former CEO of Medtronic Bill George Offers leaders a Path Through…