
‘Introduction to the Facilities Management Profession’ event 1st May 2019

The IWFM People Management Special Interest Group organized this excellent event, hosted by Arcadis at Kings Cross. It was great to hear various perspectives on why Facilities Management is such a dynamic space, from six inspiring Speakers. The concepts of ‘the diversity of opportunities and chances to explore, underpinned by lifelong…

Living on an island…

This weekend I’ve been in Guernsey (pop 62,000) for a BIFM Channel Islands training day, where I was presenting on various topics to a fabulous group of FM professionals, many of whom had never met each other. I had not stopped to consider that Guernsey is such a small island and…

Socially awkward? Here’s what to do when someone gives you the cold shoulder (listen up Theresa May)

This week, when Theresa May was seen being awkwardly excluded from salutations at the EU summit, many felt her pain. A video has emerged in which the Prime Minister appears to be being ignored by other attendees. It was tweeted by journalists covering Thursday morning’s event in Brussels and shows Mrs May fidgeting, while…

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