
Healthy working relationships at work

David Kentish believes that analysing unhealthy relationships in the workplace is the first step towards a healthy workplace agenda. Here he discusses how balance and awareness are key to successful relationships at work. When discussing how healthy relationships in the workplace are achieved and what they look and feel like,…

The value and wisdom of training

By Kentish and Co managing director, Liz Kentish. “What if we invest in training our staff and they leave?” “What if you don’t invest in training them and they stay?” When you recruited your people they may have had all the skills, knowledge, behaviours and attitude necessary to do the…

Benefits of acting classes to build, strengthen your team

By Liz Kentish This article originally appeared in Who hasn’t felt bored, frustrated and disengaged while sitting in a stuffy training room watching one PowerPoint presentation after another? With this type of theory-based training, people go back to their day job and immediately forget what they’ve learned. The same can…

Revolutionise how you communicate and compete with visual collaboration

Visual collaboration is changing the way we work and is now essential to every organisation, enabling them to ensure the rapid flow of business ideas, understanding, knowledge and expertise. Today’s reality is that traditional in-person meetings are time-consuming, expensive, and fast becoming environmentally unacceptable. Visual collaboration tools free your organisation…

How is your company preparing its future managers and leaders?

Lorna Fairbairn, Learning and Development Manager for John Laing Integrated Services discusses the benefits of ILM training programmes for FM service providers. David Kentish asks: Is the question of how you are preparing your future managers and leaders a recurring topic at management and board meetings within your organisation? Is…

How to overcome fears of presenting in public

Gerald R. Ford said “If I went back to college again, I’d concentrate on two areas: learning to write and learning to speak before an audience. Nothing in life is more important than the ability to communicate effectively.” Public speaking is the number one skill that’s guaranteed to position you…

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